Sherlyn Chopra who recently Rupesh Paul for his movie " Kamasutra 3D" kicked out because Sherlyn without asking your movie to a video on YouTube to share was again " Kama Sutra 3- D ' has returned . Sherlyn Chopra also wrote to the producer and director , he will work to suit all conditions . After apology by Rupesh Paul Sherlyn Sherlyn decided to give another chance and once again Sherlyn Chopra Kama Sutra 3D " will look at . Rupesh Paul said, " actress Sherlyn Chopra are very dedicated and they are Pasinet enough to carry on his work . Actress and I do not think it will do full justice . Than this, and in which the subjects will be bold Nude and that have Unek film with eight actors who have the Nude center. Sherlyn Chopra film is a princess plays and I film a scene with some kind of compromise do not want to . Kama Sutra 3D shooting March 15 will begin . " Rupesh Paul said that the film will be shot in Rajasthan . Yet three per cent of the film has finished shooting and will be shooting next .Sherlyn Rupesh film immediately took her out of a Hollywood movie actress . , but later settled between them . "would not share with anyone "
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